

Me, Myself, and Giasrhen

July 8 2008, 6:21 PM

lets see this is where i say a little about myself lets start with what I've said in other places...

Let see what I believe…I believe people need to make decisions about their own lives. Everyone is born with Disadvantages and Advantages. And some get a luckier break than others.  But it comes down to a pretty simple choice accept that you got a crappy deal and move on with making the best life for yourself that you can or lay around blaming your life on others and never getting anywhere and never changing.

See I also Believe In God. I believe That Christ is his son and he came here to save you and me and everyone from ourselves and Sin. Now Everytime I say this the first thing I get is people tuning me out and the second is well then why does good things happen to bad people and why does bad things happen to good people. Well I also believe that God gave us Free Will the ability to choose him or not to choose to follow him, but the choices don't stop there.

Whenever you make a choice there is a price to pay, whether the choice is a good choice or a bad choice. There are always Consiquinces. Yea everyone would like to live in the Faerie Tale where the good guys only got rewards for doing good, but that's not how it works. So you make a choice and you pay the cost, but most choices have costs for people other than ourselves and some people try and get out of paying their share of the cost. These extended Costs for you and  others Cause a spiderweb of Choice for others to make.  Some choices are easy there is right and there is wrong. Some choices are hard theres right and there is wrong, but you don't like the cost you will have to pay or that someone else will have to pay.  In the first most people choose to do whats right unless there is some gain for themselves in the wrong and then a few people might choose it. In the second a few will choose to do whats right, a few will do whats right and try to get out of paying the cost, a few will do whatever cost them the least, Most will simply not Choose and leave it up to fate, or Chance. This Last Drives me crazy… If you refuse to make a choice one thing is certain, Someone else will choose for you. And no matter how well intentionsed they may be it will not be whats best for you and they certainly aren't going to pay the cost for you. Whenever  Someone refuses to make a choice, Refuses to pay the cost, decides the wrong choice is best for them it ripples the cost down the spiderweb negatively affecting everyone elses choices. So why does Good things happen to bad people because they are perfectly willing to make choices that are wrong and pass the costs off on others, Why does Bad things Happen to Good people because of the extra cost rippling through the web and their willingness to pay their share. That brings me to my last Kind of Choice … a Choice in which every choice you can make is a wrong choice.  Do the Best you can and pay the cost.

So How do we stop the ripples? Well Like I Said I believe in God and I believe God has set for us an example of Love through Sacrifice. Most people will tell you that the greatest thing you can do for someone else is Die for them. I disagree Dyings pretty easy and you don't have to pay anymore costs once your gone, but those you leave behind do. I Believe the greatest  thing you can do for someone else is to Love them enough to Tolerate something about them or that they do that is Intolerable to you. Day in Day out doing a thing you hate or accepting a thing you hate because of your Love for another. That's real Sacrefice, That's real Love. I believe God sets this example Every Second by forgiving us our Sin even though that Sin is Intolerable by God. Even though with every Sin that is forgivin we will commit another, that we are Creatures of Sin, and we will even commit the same Sins again. God not only Tolerates us but Loves us and commands us to Love others even though our Sins are Intolerable. I know that when someone Makes the choice to Love other in this way they pay a portion of the cost of their choices that is greater than their share and it has an opposite effect on the web. The choices of the people around them get easier, the cost gets Less.

I'd like to say that I'm one of these last Self Sacreficing people, but I'm Not. I make my Choices by a pretty simple means.

Is there a Right Choice?... can I afford to pay it… can others I care about afford it if I don't or Do?

Which Choice will lead me to a choice in which I have more options?... Can I get to a less costly right choice from there?... can others afford the costs along the way?

Can I make myself Ignore the Gain of a Bad choice?... Does the Gain out weigh my concern for the cost? me? others?

As you can see I make the wrong choice quite often, sometimes even the Evil one. When I do it I do it with intent, understanding as best I can the cost and paying as much of it as I can. This doesn't make me a Noble Sacreficing person, It doesn't Make me a Great person. I move through Life I make my choices I pay my cost and I help others when I feel I can afford to, and I believe it makes me a Good enough person.

Posted in Stuff about me...Philoshophical


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  • 37 years old


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Last update Jul 8, 2008